Merche Llobera. Aquatic Elegance.
A sea lion dives gracefully into the depths, leaving a trail of bubbles behind. The image was taken in Baja California Sur, Mexico, during the spectacular marlin run. It was a truly magical moment—a massive group of sea lions was resting after feasting on a school of sardines.
This particular sea lion caught my attention with its curious gaze, almost as if it was observing me as much as I was observing him. Flipping the image added an artistic and mysterious touch, enhancing the ethereal atmosphere of the scene.
The beauty of witnessing these intelligent creatures in their natural habitat is beyond words. Moments like these remind us of the importance of preserving the oceans and the incredible life they hold.
Merche Llobera, passionate about the animal world, has been awarded in competitions such as Ocean Photographer of the Year, Nature TTL, and Siena Awards. She has spoken at various events, contributed to volumes 1 and 3 of MOTHER magazine, and collaborated on conservation and education projects.
Follow Merche on Instagram @merchellobera.