Kiliii Yuyan. Blacktip Reef Shark under Mangroves.
Juvenile blacktip reef sharks cruise in the shallows under the mangroves in a portion of Palau's Rock Islands Southern Lagoon, a UNESCO world heritage site.
At this site known as shark city, tour operators will throw their leftover lunches for the sharks to eat, bringing them close for tourists to enjoy. Sharks are protected in Palau- it was the first nation to declare itself a shark sanctuary. Palau's Marine Protected area is one of the largest on earth.
Photographer Kiliii Yuyan is best known for his joyful grin. He has reasons to be thankful. He's survived a hunting polar bear and charmed sea snakes. He's found community at the edges of the world. But perhaps it is easiest to say that Kiliii is a storyteller who seeks to understand the world from many human perspectives.
Follow Kiliii on Instgram @kiliiiyuyan.