Jim Naughten. Gorillas. Limited Edition.
Limited Edition. 2 of 5. C type, no border.
Life on earth began 542 million years ago with the Paleozoic ( early life ) period. This was followed by the Mesozoic ( middle life ) ending with the dinosaurs 66 million years ago. The Cenozoic ( age of mammals ) takes us to the present day. "Eremozoic" is the named suggested by biologist E. O. Wilson for the current period, more commonly referred to as the "Anthropocene" ( age of man ), Wilsons suggestion implies an age of "loneliness" reflecting the upcoming biological age after the sixth great extinction.
Today, in the evolutionary blink of an eye humans have come to dominate the planet and our relationship with the natural world has fundamentally shifted. Up until the agricultural revolution humans were directly and intimately connected to nature and entirely dependent on wild flora and fauna for our well being and survival. Today this connection is severed, and the natural world has become profoundly diminished.
Our perception is that wildlife is something other, apart from humanity. It happens elsewhere, in far away lands, in nature documentaries, zoos or safari parks. This impression is fictional and bears little resemblance to reality, both because wildlife barely exists at all in this harmonious state, and also because despite our perceived separation, we are still very much bound to the laws of the natural world.
The images in this series reflect this by using natural history specimens and dioramas, themselves a fictional human construct, and adding layers and altering and exaggerating colours to highlight the artificial and nature of what we are seeing.
Jim Naughten is an artist exploring historical and natural history subject matter using photography, stereoscopy and painting. Collections holding his work include, The Museum of Photographic Art, San Diego, The Imperial War Museum (UK) The Museum of Art, Houston, Museum of Honolulu and private collections in the US, UK, Europe and South America. He was nominated for the Prix Elysee 2016 and shortlisted for the Vevey Images photo award 2012.
Learn more about Jim Naughten.