Nick Brandt. Limited Edition.

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About Nick Brandt

Nick Brandt’s photography addresses humanity's destructive impact on the natural world, and now on humans too.

His series and accompanying books have been The Day May Break (2021); This Empty World (2019); Inherit the Dust (2016); and the trilogy, On This Earth, A Shadow Falls Across The Ravaged Land (2001-2012).

Brandt has had solo gallery and museum shows around the world, including New York, London, Berlin, Stockholm, Paris and Los Angeles.

He is co-founder of Big Life Foundation, that works to protect the animals and ecosystem of 1.6m. acres in the Amboseli/Kilimanjaro/Tsavo ecosystem in Kenya and Tanzania.

Phillip Prodger, photography historian and former Head of Photographs at the National Portrait Gallery, London writes about the new work, The Day May Break:

"A landmark body of work by one of photography’s great environmental champions. Showing how deeply our fates are intertwined, Brandt portrays people and animals together, causing us to reflect on the real-life consequences of climate change. Channeling his outrage into quiet determination, the result is a portrait of us all, at a critical moment in the Anthropocene."

Follow Nick on Instagram at @nickbrandtphotography

See more of Nick Brandt's work on his website at